Motivational Inspiration/ /How to be a Good Soldier
How do you become a Soldier of God exactly?
Acknowledge the existence of a Creator. Admit that you are not perfect. In fact, nobody is. We've all made mistakes in our lives, (Romans 3:23). Believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, (John 14:6). Believe that He alone took the punishment for your sins. Because there is a punishment. God is so holy that He cannot look upon sin. In Romans 6:23, it says that the payment for sin is death. However, you can take hope in that He has removed your iniquity as far as the east is from the west, (Psalm 103:12). Finally, call upon His name and you shall be saved, (Romans 10:13).
As Christians, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ, (Ephesians 6:20). An ambassador is someone who represents someone else. We are called to be lights in a dark world. The light that is in us is the light of Him who saved us, (Matthew 5:14). Not only that, but we have been given the privilege to defend the gospel. The life of a soldier is to protect something and be able to defend the truths that the world tries to persecute.
Here are some helpful insights, on how to become a good soldier, which God has revealed to me by the teachings of the gospel and the personal readings from the Bible.
Be strong in Jesus Christ.
We ourselves are nothing without God. In fact, the Bible actually describes us as filthy rags because of our sin, (Isaiah 64:6). The only thing good in you and me is the godliness that resides in our hearts. To be strong in Jesus is to fully rely on Him. To fully and completely rely on Him for our strength, we must spiritually put on Christ, (Romans 13:4, Isaiah 61:10, and Job 29:14). I know this might be difficult to understand, but this is what God's Word says. I believe that every letter in the Bible is full of truth and accuracy, and neglecting the use of God's precious words can be catastrophic. Which leads to the next step in how to be a good soldier for God.
We are not soldiers of the world, but soldiers of God, (John 17:16).
Study and be ready.
Use the tools and weapons God has given you.
II Timothy 2:15 tells us to study to show yourself approved to God, a workman (or a soldier) that needs to not be ashamed and rightly divide the truth.
One of the tools and weapons God has already given us is His word: the Bible. The more you are in God's word, the more you will want to be in it. I have to admit, I sometimes would rather do anything else than read the Bible. I'll catch myself holding off that sweet quiet time that I so desperately need every day. Why do we do that? Why do we put off reading the Bible? It's like what Paul says in the 7th chapter of Romans: I do which I know is wrong and do not do what I know is good, (Romans 7:19). We put off reading the Bible because it's powerful. Its power is goodness and that goodness reveals just how much darkness we have inside. It makes us uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. Because the more truth I read in the words of Christ, the more it convicts me of how much I am in the wrong. And who likes to be caught in the wrong? By studying and reading the Bible, God teaches us personally how exactly we should live our lives.Stay in it, always, it will help you to not stray from the chosen path God has designed specifically for you.
The Bible goes by different names. The one most relative to this topic is a sword. Its sharpness is quick and powerful, cutting the soul and spirit, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart, (Hebrews 4:12).
Know your enemy.
Our enemy, my friends, is a lion. He's also a serpent, full of lies and deceit. He is a thief in the night, seeking only to steal, kill and destroy, (John 10:10). Yet, he is able to disguise himself into something beautiful. He is our biggest dream. Our deepest secular desire. He knows exactly how and what to use to get us distracted from the task that God has set before us, each individually. So always be alert and ready for his attacks.
Anticipate a battle.
If you are a soldier of God, you will suffer battles. Battles that will cost you your heart's desires and dreams, perhaps even your family and friends, and the battles that are awaiting you might even cost you your very own life.
"You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."
(II Timothy 2:3)
"Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
(II Timothy 3:12)
Even though the world may hate you, never forget that you are not of this world. You have been bought and redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Do not fear for your life. If you've given it to the Lord, trust in him to take care of it, (Isaiah 41:10).
Do not focus on the hardships and fatigue that you will endure, but put your focus on God, (Matthew 6:33). Your labor will not be in vain, for God will justly reward you.
"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 3:14)
Thank you so much for reading!
♡ Anna
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