Motivational Inspiration/ /The Gospel

Every year, my youth group and I participate in the community in a Day of Hope. Churches and fundraisers, along with some businessmen, come together to give a cart full of groceries and household necessities for families in the area and the surrounding counties. Not only do the people come into the warehouse to get fed and abundantly stocked with necessities, they're also able to receive the gospel and the good news from enthusiastic evangelistic teens.

We share the gospel in the form of a bracelet. You might have heard of it, it's called the salvation bracelet. Each young person that stops by our table can watch us make one, as we show what the colorful bracelet represents. There are six beads on a rope string that symbolize each step in a Christian's life. The first being the black bead:

Sin. We all fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23), because of our sinful nature. What exactly is a sin? A sin is something that is unholy to God's commandments. Because God is so holy, he cannot look upon sin, (Isaiah 59:2).Therefore our sin creates a wall between our relationship with the Creator. Yet, even though we make mistakes and rebel against Him, thankfully God still shows compassion. (Romans 5:8)

His blood. The only bridge that can restore that relationship with God is by his Son, Jesus Christ. The second bead on the salvation bracelet is red, as it represents the crucifixion of Christ. By believing that Jesus is who He says He is, which is the only Son of God, we are given eternal life in Him. (John 3:16)

Made new. After we confess with our hearts and make a profession of faith out loud, we are made new creatures. Our old self, which was dark and wicked has become new and pure. By the washing of Christ's precious sacrifice, we are made white as snow. Which represents our third bead.

Baptism. As Christians, we follow the example of Jesus. That's pretty much what the literal word Christian means; "little Christ." By showing His light through you, by obedience to the faith, you are witnessing for Him, (Colossians 2:12)And that means being baptized in water. Don't think this will confirm your salvation because it doesn't. Baptism does not save you. All it accomplishes, if you are an unbeliever, is to get drenched. Baptism is a picture to show others what has happened inside of you. Before you go into the water your life reflects the first bead, which was a sin. Your sinful nature had pushed you away from God, but because of the second bead, which pictures the blood of Christ, it has made you a freeman. You are no longer chained to the bonds of this world, you have been set free by His grace.

Growth. To grow in Christ is to exercise your relationship with Him. You can never stop learning. From this point on you will only continue to be more like God, or stay idol where you are. By growing as a Christian, you read more of His word. Prayer will strengthen your relationship also. Quiet time is one of the most important aspects of a Christian's life. If you earnestly seek him, He will reveal Himself.

Gold. Gold represents the promise of a perfect forever that we get to spend with the Creator of the stars, the skies, and everything visible and invisible. The promise of salvation means that we get to spend eternity with God in a place called heaven. (Revelation 22:5)

Thanks for reading!

♡ Anna


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