Recipe/ /Scrumptious Pancakes

I love nothing more than creating experimental breakfasts or recipes on a morning when I have no plans. There's just something about making things from scratch that satisfies, is there not?

The inspiration for this recipe came from a variety of other sites and pins on Pinterest. You might even know what three ingredients I used for making these fluffy pancakes are. Nevertheless, I will share how I came up with what is shown below.

The three ingredients I used were:

  • 1 medium banana

  • 2 eggs

  • 3tbsp of ground cinnamon

Those are all the items I used to cook my scrumptious pancakes. Toppings are optional. A bit of drizzled honey, flakes of coconut, or whipped cream.. jk. I wouldn't encourage you to ruin your healthy breakfast with loads of unnecessary sugar. I chose almond butter to top off my pancakes because I am simply infatuated with the stuff. Of course, you can top it with whatever you prefer.

I probably go through a jar of peanut butter, almond butter every few weeks. Especially PBFit powder. It's all natural, gluten-free, and the best part, barely processed. The powdered peanut butter allows you to easily add it to a smoothie, or combine it with water to mix your very own butter. This helps me to portion control how much my intake is. Which is very good for after those cardio HIITS (high-intensity interval training) when you want to devour the entire kitchen it seems.

Hope this inspired you to try the recipe out for yourself! Thanks for reading!

♡ Anna


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