Motivation Inspiration/ /Caring for Others

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

After a long day of work, or a school day that seemed as if it was dragging on for a century, do you ever feel drained?

We carry on as if we're one-track minded. Never stopping to seek the needs of others. I find myself in this grudging feeling of complacency. Have you ever begun to notice the way people say things over and over again? It's as if we're in this ongoing routine every day of formalities that deep down, we don't even care about. I bet I ask, 'how are you,' more than a dozen times a day - to random strangers, and also to people I'm acquainted with. Sometimes I honestly care what they say, and most of the time it's out of habit. If I'm not sincere about asking, then why does it bother me so much? Because it's a thing we all do. Once you start to notice the verbal pattern, it starts to jab at you and make you think, 'do they feel the same way I do?' Are those the first instinctive words that roll off their tongue, after we say hello?

This feeling of insincerity and fakeness takes over—don't let it. Next time you greet someone new, ask with an honest heart how they're doing, and if you're just not feeling it, then maybe they aren't either. Formalities in a society differ between cultures. Sometimes I say ma'am or sir, sometimes I don't. Folks down south say it whether they want to or not because it's their normal dialog. Formalities come in different forms and sizes for that matter.

In the Bible, it says that we should care for others. Just as He cares for us. Put this into perspective, if you greeted your heavenly Father the way you greet others, would there be a difference? We tend to come before the Lord in the same way we do with others. Which reminds me of a particular verse about not ceasing when we pray, (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).

The reason we start to notice fakeness in others is because of the fakeness in ourselves. Get your heart right, examine yourself first. That was the first step we missed. Notice the we, because I'm preaching to myself here.

If we came to God half-heartedly, do you think He would answer?
"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."

The second part of Philippians 2:4 says that we should 'look on the things of others'. After we get ourselves right, caring for others should become second nature. Don't let the enemy try to wire into your mind that you shouldn't care for others.

God cared for you, and once we accept His precious gift, then it's only right that we should show that same grace to others.

Next time you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday occurrences, remind yourself that you're not alone. You have been adorned with love and grace. So share some of that blessing with those around you.

Cup of the day/ /Honey Chamomile Tea

♡ Anna


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