Motivational Inspiration/ /Ugly Reflecting Beauty

The new Disney remake of the classic tale, Beauty & the Beast, has caused the cinemas all across the world to be full of viewers. The box office results have surpassed the record boards. People blindly willing to support a cause that has accumulated into something much grander than it ought to. The depressing news of one of the identities in the film is portrayed to be homosexual. That, and the fact that the corporation which created the film, is proudly flaunting the gay-theme into children's faces, are major factors in my disagreement. This is a tough subject. However, it is a crucial discussion that needs to be made. There are no gray areas to choose from here. Either you believe it's wrong or you believe it's right. By the holy, inspired written word of God, it says that same-sex marriage is wrong. I think I'll choose to go by God's standards, rather than the world's. I did not, nor will I go see the newest film adaption of Bea...