Personal Posts/ /Blessings is My Theme

My high school graduation was this past weekend. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm officially graduated. Seeing so many family members and friends gathered all together was such a tremendous blessing. Because of my local homeschool co-op group, I was able to have a regular graduation ceremony. At first, I have to admit, I was completely opposed to the idea. Walking in front of a big crowd, donning a sweaty gown and cap, in the meantime, trying not to fall and make a disaster of myself, haha no thanks. However, I was convinced that if I don't go through with this now, I will for sure regret missing out on the experience later. And now I am so thankful I did it. Here are some following snapshots that were taken during the big day. Total, there were only 12 graduates. Some of them I knew, most of them were complete strangers. Even though we were all shy and a bit awkward, especially me, the whole ceremony united us in ...