Personal Posts/ /Blessings is My Theme

My high school graduation was this past weekend. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm officially graduated. Seeing so many family members and friends gathered all together was such a tremendous blessing. 
Because of my local homeschool co-op group, I was able to have a regular graduation ceremony. At first, I have to admit, I was completely opposed to the idea. Walking in front of a big crowd, donning a sweaty gown and cap, in the meantime, trying not to fall and make a disaster of myself, haha no thanks. However, I was convinced that if I don't go through with this now, I will for sure regret missing out on the experience later. And now I am so thankful I did it.
Here are some following snapshots that were taken during the big day.

Total, there were only 12 graduates. Some of them I knew, most of them were complete strangers. Even though we were all shy and a bit awkward, especially me, the whole ceremony united us in a way that nothing else will probably ever accomplish the same again. 15 minutes before the classic 'Pomp and Circumstance' graduation march began, all 12 of us were gathered in front of the sanctuary waiting to walk out to the moment we've all dreaded and dreamed for. It was fun and exciting, nervous and exhilarating. I learned a lot within that short time span. New beginnings are always a bit unexpected. You don't know what the future will bring, even if you have a step-by-step outline drawn out in your head, you still aren't able to predict what life will throw at you in the midst of it all. So take the time to live and breathe. Every second counts and every moment should be preciously spent.

This was the table where I wanted everyone to feel welcomed and greeted by as they entered. There was a small notepad that suggested writing down words of advice or words of motivation as I take this next step in life. As well as an open Bible that desired to be highlighted. Most all of the guests, if not everyone, was able to mark their favorite scripture verses for me to read. I found this idea on Pinterest and immediately approved it. 
Some of the verses that were highlighted are Ruth 2:12, Psalm 37:4, Matthew 6:33John 8:12II Corinthians 9:8, and Ephesians 4:32

These were the table centerpieces that fit along with the theme of the party. 
I felt really guilty for tearing up an old book to use as decoration. The fact that it was only an old thesaurus eased my conscience a bit. 

Here are some sweet treats that a family member, (church member actually, but what's the difference?) donated for the party. I believe they were strawberry shortcake cupcakes topped with graham biscuits.

A wonderful friend gave this delicious cake as a gift. She surprised me by decorating it with the two things I love doing most; reading and drinking tea.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and spending the time to invest in my future as well. To all those who were able to come and celebrate this momentous time in my life, to those who blessed me with love and gifts, to those who inspired me to be the woman I have become, thank you.

"The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly For the salvation of the LORD."
Lamentations 3:25-26

♡ Anna 



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