Motivational Inspiration/ /Band of Love

wedding ring

ˈwediNG ˌriNG/


  • a ring worn by a married person, given by the spouse at their wedding.

That's the definition of a wedding ring currently, thanks to Google. Haven't you ever wondered why married couples or soon-to-be spouses buy fancy rings for one another? When did the tradition ever start? Why do we wear rings on our left hand and why do we wear rings in the first place? 
Get ready, there might be some history facts ahead.

What's with the ring finger? The ring finger or the fourth finger of your left hand is said to have the Vena Amoris, or in English: the 'vein of love'. The allegory, or the symbolic picture, is the vein that interweaves itself straight to the heart. Some say that's one of the reasons why we associate wedding bands with our fourth left finger. Others wear engagement rings on their right hand until the actual wedding day and then transfers the ring over to the left hand. The ring finger has been associated with wedding rings since the early 11th century when Romans declared themselves attached to one another. As a display of ownership. Fidelity. In early European countries, Gimmel rings were used for possession of another as well. The Gimmel rings are two interlocked bands. The fiance would give the bride-to-be one band and he would wear the other until the wedding day when the two rings would collide to form one thick ring for the wife to wear. However, early Christians wore wedding bands on their third finger as a symbol of the trinity. The band can be shown in many different tokens of affections and love. It is viewed in a religious form, and also a public declaration of matrimony.

Where did the tradition come from? The origin of the traditional wedding band itself has been recorded to begin as a knot of grass tied together. Eventually, throughout history, the band has been made with rope and other elements, like leather and metal. Over the years couples can choose to have a simple band or include an engagement ring before the ceremony. Recently, in the past century more expensive and costly rings have been decorated with jewels and gems. The typical trend of a diamond engagement ring began to spread around the late 1930's, after the Great Depression. Marketing campaigns gave birth to the lavish engagement ring style and since then the classic look has only increased in fame.

Some may choose this as a misguided diversion of advertisement, whereas some will say that the more possessions declare more love. All it comes down to is what you and your spouse desire together. The fashion of today's society can encourage one thing and suddenly change the following day. Trends set in and new ones spring out.

In the Bible, rings are described to be:
"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion."

(Proverbs 11:22)
Even though some scriptures warn about the lusts and wealth of gold, rings have also been known to be a sign of reverence and honor. The Israelites gave up their precious jewelry and riches as a sacrifice to the Lord in the wilderness. (Numbers 31:50 and Exodus 35:22)

God blessed the earth with a multitude of beautiful stones and elements. He also blessed us to have dominion over His Creation, and that includes the earth's rock. Obviously, there's something special about melting unique jewels and shaping them into useful tools, as we have witnessed over time. Whatever the time period, whatever the symbolic purpose in wedding bands/rings, the personal meaning of it resembles more than its form. 
In most instances a ring signifies a promise, or a covenant. The lyrics of a popular radio song came to mind: 

In the same sense, we can view our love for another as a heavy burden, tied with strings, or you can choose to see it as an enduring promise that will never fail.

What do you view wedding bands/rings symbolic of?



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