Book Review/ /Piercing the Darkness, Frank E. Peretti

"I am free. I am ransomed. I've never felt this way before, like a slave set free who was born a slave and never knew what freedom was like.”

Summary: Running for her life, Sally Beth Roe has just escaped from murderous hands that are trying to cover up their loose ends in a case involving the destruction of a local Christian Elementary school in Bacon's Corner. The case led by a classified Satanist cult that enraptures souls into believing that a one-world peace is achievable and that you are your own god. There is no reason to feel right or wrong, all is pleasing and pleasurable in this life until their true cover is exposed. One of their highest esteemed members causes things to stir up in the small town, which causes Sally's life to not be the only one threatened. Young Tom Harris, a faithful member of the local Baptist congregation and a teacher in the Christian school, has his kids stripped away from him for something he has done in the past that is now resurfacing. The two stories collide in a twisting way through hidden identities and secrets that will only leave your mind boggled by the spiritual battles that are happing within.

Thoughts: This sequel to This Present Darkness was the best in my opinion. It made me scared out of my wits, laugh at the hard comedy and witty dialogs, and cry in joyous redemption. Because no matter how the story played out, this book opened my eyes to realize how very factual spiritual warfare is around us. Of course, this was very dramatized, but I truly believe that there are heavenly hosts protecting us by God's will, rejoicing in triumph when a new believer is born and fights the demons that inhabit the earth now.

A couple of dear friends let me borrow this because I had been waiting anxiously to read it. So shout out to them for understanding the life of a bibliophile!  

Genre: Christian, Fiction, Mystery, and Thriller

Appropriate Age: 15+

There are a few instances where the demons talk about being 'damned' and it also converses between the human characters that are possessed as well. 

Several graphic scenes are described so I would not recommend this to someone with a weak stomach. The Satanist cult has ceremonials that often occur during the book, which can be frightening and very gruesome. 

Here are a few other shots from the mini book photoshoot. Can you tell I was really excited about finding this extremely-fitting marker on a Historical trail we ventured to? I was even willing to be in a few of them. 


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