Book Review/ /The Colonel's Lady, Laura Frantz

Summary (inserted from Goodreads)In 1779, when genteel Virginia spinster Roxanna Rowan arrives at the Kentucky fort commanded by Colonel Cassius McLinn, she finds that her officer father has died. Penniless and destitute, Roxanna is forced to take her father's place as scrivener. Before long, it's clear that the colonel himself is attracted to her. But she soon realizes the colonel has grave secrets of his own—some of which have to do with her father's sudden death. Can she ever truly love him?

Thoughts: I LOVED this book! Every time I read Laura Frantz' books I think to myself, "how can she top the last one?" Not that this one is any better than the others I've read from her, but this one has also placed itself on the favorites shelf of my book-heart. The characters were very engaging and authentic. I felt so bad for Roxanna every since she started travelling through the forest trails to reach the fort of her father. Not knowing what to do, she bonds with what she knows and that is being humble and kind to every one she is around. Because of her kind heart every person in the fort loves and adores her, even the Colonel Cassius McLinn finds himself persuaded to think otherwise. I love that you get a glimpse of history in the midst of a breath-taking story.

Genre: Christian, Historical fiction, Romance

Appropriate Synopsis: There are several graphic scenes involving war and gore. As far as romance, there are a few passionate kisses and obvious attractions. Lots of comments are made about the girls of Roxanna's party, including herself, that the Colonel tries to end in his infantry. 

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Other favorites from Laura Frantz:

The Mistress of Tall Acre
My review 


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