Personal Post/ /Trip Out West no.2

The next morning, after Crazy Horse, we went to Mount Rushmore.

You might recognize this picture from my bubble braid tutorial!

This is a panorama standing before Mount Rushmore.

After standing there for several minutes acting like the typical tourists, we decided to take a trail to get a closer look. Little did we know, that the trail makes a loop and only half of it is non-strenuous.

Each of the presidents had their own profile viewing, which was neat This is one of the views that features all of them.

This was taken inside of the Sculpture's Studio. You can't really see it very well, but the miniature sculpture was the ideal piece by Gutzon Borglum, which never got finished completely. The actual monument should have gone all the way down to the mid-length of their uniforms. 

Thomas Jefferson ice cream. The old-fashioned vanilla ice cream was made from the president's very own recipe.

There were some pretty neat places we stopped at in downtown Keystone, SD.

During the day we made it to Rapid City, which was 30 minutes away. Rapid City is also known as the City of Presidents. There are bronze statues of presidents all throughout the streets. 

There was this little antique store we all fell in love with. I found some brand new cowgirl boots that fit perfectly. Those boots were probably my most favorite souvenir. 

 Before nightfall we went on a scenic drive around Mount Rushmore. This was one of the views. Every opening on the mountains were beautiful.

Horse Thief Lake 

We passed this lake several times and finally on our last route back we decided to stop by it and walk around. That was our last stop for that day. 



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