Book Review/ /Before You Meet Prince Charming, Sarah Mally

"My daughter, that which you wait for the longest you treasure the most, and through much struggle the prize is won."

Summary (from Goodreads): A young lady who is pure will shine with a radiant brightness in this world of darkness. How can a young lady stay physically and emotionally pure as she waits for God's best in marriage? This guide to radiant purity combines the thoughts and events in the life of a young princess with solid, clear teaching of Biblical convictions that young ladies today need to grasp. Through a captivating fairy tale, modern day examples, practical instruction and abundant humor, Sarah Mally challenges young ladies to turn to the Lord for fulfillment, to guard their hearts and minds, to identify and avoid the world's thinking and to shine brightly in this generation. This book offers Biblical answers to everyday questions and deep life struggles. It deals with many practical topics such as being wise in internet usage, dealing with a crush, and building strong relationships with parents.

My Thoughts: Every girl, no matter the age needs to read this. Immediately. I soaked up every word because never before have I read a book where it discusses topics such as "waiting on the right one" or "having a life bigger than marriage" and "delighting in the Lord" while being single. Each piece of the fairytale story that is told throughout this devotional spoke to me and revealed things that didn't make sense before. Not only did this book open my eyes to the realization of waiting for God's plan to take place, it convicted me about the struggles I have been facing alone. Struggles that most every girl faces at some point. Yet, because of the great love Christ has shown on the cross, we do not have to be alone. We can use this time of singleness for His glory and purpose!

Genre: Christian, Young Adult, Faith

Appropriate Disclosure: Every young lady should read this book. Some things mentioned would be a better read for girls that are becoming ladies. Topics concerning marriage are very brief and not detailed at all. However, it does mention the importance of purity. These are excellent topics to discuss and read alongside parents.

This is a little insert from the fairytale part of the book:

"So tell me, when did you meet your special someone?" 

"Oh, I have known Him a very long time, but I am getting to know Him better each day."

"You say him today?"

"Well, no, but I talked with Him and He talked with me. I thanked Him for His love. I reminded Him that my life is committed to Him and that my heart belongeth to Him."

"Thou art engaged, then?"

"Well, yes! I guess so!"

"When will the wedding be?"

"That is for Him to decide. But He will come for me when everything is ready."

"So he has written to you then?"

"Yes! The most wonderful love letter you could imagine. I only wish I knew how to treasure it more."

"But how can you be so sure of his love?"

"He is the One who loves not only in word, but also in deed. You see, He paid the ulitmate price for me-He gave His life."

"Then thy lover is dead!?"

"Nay, but living. He conquered death!"

"May I ask, my love-struck lady, what be his name?"

"He is a Prince, just as I have dreamed of. A Prince of Peace. He is the Fairest of Ten Thousand, the Bright and Morning Star. The Alpha and Omega, the Light of the World-"

"Slow down, dear girl. In thy excitement thou art leaving me quite confused."

"Oh, but He is much more. He is my Redeemer, my Fortress, my Deliverer, my Rock, my Shepherd, my Hiding Place, my Comfort, my All."


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