How to/ /Make Almond Butter

Mouth watering yet? This was a breakfast that we had during our Whole 30 diet. My family and I have been on the Whole 30 diet every since the beginning of January. Read more about the Whole 30 diet and why we decided to do it!

One of the main ingredients you cannot eat is sugar. That made things really hard to find in the stores. Especially when you make sugar-less pancakes and you can't even use honey as syrup! But let me tell you that as long as you have almond butter, it will top it quit perfectly!
One of my most favorite things to eat is almond butter, but you have to make sure it doesn't contain any sugar. Most 12 oz. jars that you can find in the store were priced between $8-$12. Um, I can eat that within a few days! 
So, I looked online just out of curiosity to see how to make almond butter. Not only is it healthier for you to make it yourself, it's cheaper! I purchased a $14 bag and made 2 batches of almond butter!
You will never believe how easy it is to make!

What you need:
  • almonds
  • salt (optional)
  • cinnamon (optional)

How to make it:

First, you can either soak your almonds overnight, which allows them to expand and let the nutrients increase. However, you must dehydrate them afterward before you blend. I decided to just pour the organic almonds into the blender and let it whirl! Totally up to you. 

You'll have to keep blending until the almonds turn into tiny grains. Now you'll want to add the flavor. Por in either cinnamon or sugar, or both! 

Blend. Blend. Blend. 

Occasionally, check to see if the butter sticks to the sides, if so you can just scrape it down with a spoon. 

You'll be able to tell when it's done. Each blender is set differently. My Ninja took about 15-minutes for the consistency that I wanted. 

Now you can spoon out that yummy almond butter into a jar and store in the pantry for future pancakes, fruit bowls or oatmeal!

Thanks for reading!



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