Motivation Inspiration/ /Acceptance in the Light

"Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him."
 I John 5:1

I was listening to that new song, "So Will I" on my way home from work last night and I used the space inside of my little car as a sanctuary. The words flooding out of my speakers stirred my heart.

You spoke to the dark
And fleshed out the wonder of light

I had one of those nights. The nights where everything needs to be done and you really don't want to pick up someone else's slack and do it yourself. When everything you touch seems to turn into a safety hazard. When you can't count back change correctly because you're too focused on the inside worries of the mind. When you walk into a guy trying to clean the bathrooms. Yeah, I understand. I've been there.

When you feel exhausted and torn. Alone and overwhelmed. Times like these make the verse in II Corinthians 12:10 so much sense.

Know that you are not alone. People all over feel the same way.

My co-worker that night kept saying something over and over again. She said, "Acceptance, that's my lesson for today."

1. A receiving with approbation or satisfaction; favorable reception; as work done to acceptance

Oftentimes, the world wants us to accept their sin and selfish ambitions. But as God's children we can look at them another way. Accept their thinking, because we were there once before. When people choose to do wrong they're only doing what is natural. Are we not born into sin? Why do we get mad at people for not knowing this? We, and by that I mean myself, tend to show hate and bitterness towards those who do wrong against me because I know that they're doing wrong. But do they know it's wrong?

Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. That means, not just the nice neighbors, that means everyone around you. Yes, even the ones you are thinking about smacking upside the head right now. 
The kind of acceptance I'm talking about is not the one where you take sides with the dark, or the kind where you say, "I don't see any wrong." This acceptance allows you to see the light. This acceptance can only be found through Christ because he knows exactly what it felt like to be in pain and endure the temptations of this world.

Acceptance in understanding the lost sheep need a shepherd. How are we ever going to lead them to Christ, if we keep making them desire to do evil? If you are a born-again believer you know this to be true. Were you led to the cross with hate and bitterness? Or were you led by love and the desire to be better?

God of salvation
Through all of my failure and pride
On a hill You created
The light of the world
Abandoned in darkness to die

We are called to be Christ's body. To work in one accord. As a fellow sister in Christ, I urge you to lift someone up today. Encourage them and make them feel loved. Let them see the everlasting light that is now inside of you. So that whoever lays eyes upon you will see the One that can make them the same way.

I can see Your heart in everything
You’ve done
Every part designed in a work of art called love

I love you all, readers.



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