Personal Post/ /Last Chapter

I'm about to work my last shift at Dinner Bell.

Last night it really hit me that all of this was coming to the last page. I've been there since April 2016. Wow. Just thinking back on how much I have truly grown and learned so much because of my first job.

I remember my boss now, calling me then, asking if I was interested in working as a hostess. I just got back from our 1st Out West trip. I didn't really have any plans for another job, so I said: "that I'd pray about it." And I did. One evening while I was there with a group in the back, I asked the lady at the counter for an application, which is now a good friend of mine. She is is a recovered addict and is now the manager. I love her sweet soul and passion for Jesus. We've had many heart-to-heart talks over the years and exciting adventures together.

My first day, the Owner's sister was working with me and made me a list of all the things I need to do with helpful tips and encouraging quotes. She must've known somehow that I am OCD about organization. Which made her my good friends as well. When I got my car, London, she gave me a congratulations gift, and a letter addressed to my car. It was the sweetest thing ever.

There have been so many wonderful co-workers that makes leaving bittersweet. I'll probably be a ball of tissues tonight just thinking that it's going to be the last time for everything.

But I am eagerly excited for the future. I know God has something ahead that is going to blow my mind. You ever get that feeling that something great is right in front of you and there's a curtain you're waiting to rise so you can see it?

We cannot out-dream God’s good plans for us.

The core scripture verse for this blog has always been:

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
- 1 Corinthians 10:31

Last night there was this woman who came in with her DG buggy full of her belongings and asked if she could use the phone. Afterward, she and I talked a little bit. I talked to her like I would anyone else who came to the counter, regardless if she had a buggy trailing her or not. She mentioned several times that I looked familiar to her. We talked about my Beauty School and my job. After she ate her small bowl of beans, she checked out and asked to use the phone again. I started merging table tickets together for this big group and didn't notice when the lady returned the phone and drops something behind the counter beside me. She started to leave and said, "Ma'am, I think you dropped something." I looked down and saw a folded up $100. I picked it up, mouth agape, and started to chase after her. She was already between the doorway and said, "Use it for school!"

I didn't know what to do. I just stood there and looked at everyone staring at me. Someone remarked, "Well, that was awfully nice." "Where's my $100?" All while I stood there barely able to contain my tears. My manager believes she was an angel. Who knows. Maybe she was.

Whatever you are worried about, my brothers and sisters, don't let yourself doubt the powerful hand of God. He works in mysterious ways. Sometimes He throws things at you to see what you will do with what He has given.

My boss is one of the sweetest and most generous people you will ever find. She told me that God blesses His children and quoted Psalm 37:4 after we talked about me leaving and finding another job.

Our heart's desires are not merely forms of wishes or small things you might like for yourself. No, it's the innermost, deepest longing your heart has. The thing that really drives you and gives you purpose. If your heart's desire is what it should be, and that is to "- run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne-" (Hebrews 12:1-2then He will most definitely grant your desire. See, I don't think we understand that when we lose things in this world we do not need to worry as much as we should about what we are laying up for ourselves in heaven. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21

I honestly feel like I am walking on water in my life right now. I am just trying to keep my feet on the surface and not let my fears creep up any further until I fall. Because I know I'm not perfect, no one besides Jesus is. That's why I am not worried because He is never failing. He will pick me up just like He did with Peter.

Keep striving for the prize my friends.  

Thanks for reading!


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