Looking For Beauty

Oftentimes we look for beauty in all the wrong places.

What defines beauty? This might become a deep topic but bear with me.

I googled 'beautiful people' because I was simply curious about what the world defines as beautiful. Here is a collage I made with the images I found.

I'm sure you may have found beauty in the pictures above. And yes, they are all beautiful. But what makes them all beautiful? Is it their eyes? The way they are staring into the camera lens? The way they are photographed? Is it merely their looks?

Recently, I've been chasing after beauty like it's a cure for the way I look. Beauty is not a cure.

We all want to be that girl. The girl who doesn't have to wear makeup to look beautiful. The girl who laughs as if there is no worry in the world. We want to be the girl who has a witty sense of humor to impress other people. We want to be as skinny as the girl beside us. We want to have a better physic. We want to be in a relationship with someone. We want to be somebody else. We want to be that girl.

We can all point out things that we would change about ourselves, right?

Let me just tell you, right now, you are enough.

You are beautiful.
You are a child of the King.
You are a new creation.
You are alive and free.
You are forgiven.
You are a daughter of light.
You are a winner.
You are a friend of God. 
You are adored.
You are His.
And you are enough.

"You are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted."
-1 Peter 2:9 (MSG translation)

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. "
-I John 3:1

Beauty is intrinsic. 

It's internal. True beauty is found within. The world we live in labels of beauty as seen in the outer appearance of someone. People truly are beautiful pieces of art, but your appearance and looks are not what truly defines how beautiful you are.

True beauty is

Loving the person next to you, whoever they may be.

Being humble and kind to everyone.

Finding sunshine on a rainy day.

Living life to the fullest.

Telling the truth. Always.

Containing the purest kind of joy.

Loyalty and being trustworthy.

Seeing the world in light.

God's Word paints you beautifully. I don't know why the Lord was pressing on my heart to share this with you, but I know it was for some reason.


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