Book Review/ /The Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer

The Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer

"You can help me pick out a tiara when we're done saving the world."

Summary: The first installment in The Lunar Chronicles, Cinder, is about a young girl who is half-cyborg.She lives in the urban streets of New Beijing with her adopted family. Set in a future dystopian era, the world has embraced the benefits of technology, especially in the medical field. There's a severe disease called letumosis, which is killing most of the earth's inhabitants.

All her life, Cinder's been told her parents died in a car crash, which explains her lack of human functionality since she was the only survivor.

Her life as a mechanic gets enraptured with an unexpected request from the heir to the throne. Her life and many others she meets retell the classic fairytale stories in a twisted, ingenious way.

Scarlet is focused on a fiery, brave, red-headed, farm girl from Paris, who tries to find her grandmother, who got captured by an unknown enemy.

Stuck in a satellite, Cress, is the smartest technician in the universe, literally. Her story is one that will unite all the characters from the previous two books in the series together.

Winter, is the princess of another distant land, who you will love and adore. Her life and the power she gives is extraordinary. Even though her step-mother is destined to destroy her and her friends, Winter's bravery and sacrifice make the complete ending epic.

Fairest is from the perspective of the evil Lunar Queen in between the books, Cress and Winter. The Stars Above is a bunch of other characters, that are in the main series, background stories.

ThoughtsMarissa Meyer is an awesome author, let me just announce that first. Her witty sense of writing captures your attention from the start. Her ability to create characters in these series is remarkable.

These books are some of the best written Young Adult stories out there. Not only is the dialog fun to read and imagine, but uncommonly clean, compared to other YA fictional books. Clean as in you don't have to worry about reading profanity every other page, nor stress over the number of romantic details some books should not contain.

By far, one of the best re-tellings of the Grimm fairytale classics. If you haven't read these yet, why are you still here?

Genre: Sci-Fi, Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy

Appropriate Age: 12+

Some subtle innuendos, and two cuss words which one character says towards the end of the series, (which are "da*n" and "he*l").


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