Book Review/ /Sherlock Holmes and the Needle's Eye, Len Bailey

Sherlock Holmes and The Needle's Eye, Len Bailey
"The Bible is the only book that, as I read it, it reads to me."

Summary: After Sherlock Holmes' great disappearance, his loyal companion, Dr. Watson, is left to wander through life bewildered, but when Sherlock beckons him on a secret journey, the most epic enigma awaits them yet. Sherlock and Watson find an invention that allows them to transport themselves back in time. A special client requests the wit and brains of the two detectives to solve some of the most questionable mysteries from the Bible. As the book progresses the two travel through the well-known, and not so well-known events from the Bible and unravel the hidden clues that will help you better understand the Word. The following titles are the 10 mysteries that get solved by the world's most legendary detectives.

The Hanging Man: Why did Ahithophel hang himself? You'll uncover the secrets of David's son, Ahithophel, and what exactly influenced him to such a dire action. (2 Samuel 17:1-14)

Dignified Harlots: In John 8, when the Pharisees dragged the adulterous woman in the streets for a stoning. What did Jesus write on the ground?

Righteous Blood is Red: Based in Matthew 23:25, why is the son of Berechiah, Zechariah, recorded dead when in 2 Chronicles 24:17-22, Jesus calls him the son of another man?

The Devil's Enterprise: Other than in the wilderness (Luke 4:13), did the Devil try to tempt Jesus?

Pain, Locks, and Romans: If Paul was truly led west to share the gospel, why then did he go through so much persecution, when he could've easily bypassed the turmoil of Philippi? (Acts 16:11-40)

You Miss, You Die: Why did David collect 5 stones to face one giant? (1 Samuel 17:40-50)

Dead Man Walking:Why didn't Jesus arrive in time to heal Lazarus? (John 11:1-44, Matthew 9:18-26, and Luke 7:11-15)

Who's your Mama:Why is Jehoiachin's name included in Christ's genealogy in Matthew 1:1-16, when Jeremiah had prophesied it would not be?

Run for Your Life: Why was Jesus born at the time He was? (Matthew 2:1-12)

Humpty Dumpty: When the Israelites were instrucuted by God to march around the city of Jericho one time for the first six days, why then did they march seven times on the last day? (Joshua 6:1-25)

Genre: Christian fiction, Mystery, Historical fiction

Appropriate Age: 14+

Some instances when Sherlock and Watson would see historical deaths from the Bible, it was a bit gruesome. The way Le Bailey described it was very vivid and detailed. Not recommended to those with a weak stomach.


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