Motivation Inspiration/ /Caring for Others

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." ( Philippians 2:4 ) After a long day of work, or a school day that seemed as if it was dragging on for a century, do you ever feel drained? We carry on as if we're one-track minded. Never stopping to seek the needs of others. I find myself in this grudging feeling of complacency. Have you ever begun to notice the way people say things over and over again? It's as if we're in this ongoing routine every day of formalities that deep down, we don't even care about. I bet I ask, 'how are you,' more than a dozen times a day - to random strangers, and also to people I'm acquainted with. Sometimes I honestly care what they say, and most of the time it's out of habit. If I'm not sincere about asking, then why does it bother me so much? Because it's a thing we all do. Once you start to notice the verbal pattern, it starts to jab at you and make ...