Hair Tutorial/ /Sun Kissed Balayage

Yesterday at school, I messaged my sister asking her if she felt brave. Turns out she was!
She's wanted balayage on her hair every since it first became popular. As soon as I learned how to do it, I promised that she would be the first.
Here are the before and after pictures.


My sister's hair is insanely thick. We started right after lunch (about 1'o clock) and I washed her out right at 3:30. To keep the hair from going white, I had to make a mixture of water and conditioner and spray the painted sections while working up. 
In the end she loved it! I'm so tickled the way her hair turned out! She looked absolutely beautiful before, but now she's glowing even more so!

What I used:

♡ Anna


  1. Wow! That looks amazing! Good job!

    1. Thank you so much! This was actually my second attempt at balayage. The first was on a manikin! 😄


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