Nail Art/ /Fall Flowers

When the leaves start to turn and the weather gets more chilly is my favorite time of the year. Not only do you get to bring out the cute sweaters and boots out, you can wear appropriate nail polishes that match the season! I love these colors together. Of course, you can wear this design with one nail painted with a different polish. The various flower designs are super-super easy to do. The tools I used to make them were toothpicks. (Yes, can you believe it?) I honestly think they work better than the average acrylic dotting tools because of the smaller size you are able to work with.

The polishes featuring this look are:

Essie/ /Mamba

Sally Hansen/ /Cool Cucumber
Sally Hansen/ /Tribal Sun

OPI/ /Back Onyx

Sally Hansen/ /Expresso

Sally Hansen/ /Hard-Core Party

OPI/ /Taupe-less Beach

Sally Hansen/ /Diamond Shine Top Coat

Not sure what to pair these nails with?

Recommended look:



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