Whole 30 Diet Journal

My family decided we were all going to do the Whole 30 diet as our New Year's Resolution. Ever since the previous holidays, we haven't been keeping each other accountable for what we ate. We pretty much ate what we wanted, when we wanted it because, hey who cares? Not only did I feel bad about how I was treating my body, I felt it in the way I would go to work and my energy level was terribly low. My cravings were nonstop, even into the night. I wanted a change and I knew I had better start soon. The Whole 30 diet occurs within a month-long period. During the month you are allowed to eat all fruits, veggies, and meats (as long as it doesn't contain sugar). You are not, however, allowed to eat any bread, dairy, legumes, or sugar within the time frame. This diet is not a long-term thing. In fact, I've read several studies on how whole 30 is not the healthiest diet because your body will start to need the nutrients such as wheat and calcium. But, the diet is suppos...