Shopping Haul/ /Winter 2018

What? Anna's finally doing a shopping haul? Yes, I am! Here are a few different things I have purchased in the last month or so.

I am all for deals. There's this consignment store near me where my mom and sister go pretty much every time we're in town. I love it! The last couple of times I've been in I've found some awesome deals. One of those being these super cute dusty pink jeggings and a coral vest that I absolutely love.

I get in trouble every time I go into Hobby Lobby. My last trip was no exception. I ended up finding all kinds of stuff. Thank goodness my mom texted me a coupon! I found a really affordable felt board that I can stick letters on to make my own sayings. My chair at Beauty School is looking rather dull at the moment, so I need something new. This board will be perfect for just that! I'm so excited. Now I just have to come up with sayings to put on there...
I also found my favorite pens to study my Bible with, as well as washi tape that I use to categorize my favorite scripture verses throughout the top of my Bible. There were some new floral bookmarks that I couldn't pass up as well!

Ever since I have been able to use my student ID in the beauty supply store, my bank account has been crying. Last time I bought my first nail stamp palette! I've only used it a couple of times, so far, but I really like the way it gives nails an easy artistic look. I also purchased some lotion. Because who wants cracked skin during these crazy unpredictable weather season?

For my sister's birthday, we went shopping. One of the first places we went to was Victoria Secret where I found my new favorite perfume!

My planner that you can see in the photo above is one of my all-time favorite purchases. I had to include it in the cute layout of my haul picture! I found it at a boutique store, Cotton Market.

Interested in any of the mentioned hauls?
Thank you for reading! I hope that I can one day (soon) be able to make videos of future hauls!



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