Hair Tutorial/ /Emma Hair

As you can see this hairstyle expresses quite a bit of volume, as well as curls. Not only is this updo elegant and voluminous, it has an essence of historical beauty.

If I'm not braiding or reading, you'll most likely find me watching BBC adaptions of Jane Austen's classics, such as Pride & PrejudiceSense & Sensibility, and my personal favorite, Emma. The character that is portrayed in the miniseries is by far the perfect portrait of who I imagined Emma to look like. Especially the hair. Her effortless curls and perfect updos are some of the most beautiful looks. This weekend I attempted to recreate one of them.

To achieve this 'Emma' hairstyle you will want, to begin with freshly washed and blown-dry hair. If you already have two-day texture, it should work fine. Although, you might wish to add some dry shampoo to increase the level of volume.

I used my NuMe 32mm curling wand for these slight curly/waves. My lovely model, aka; my sister, has super-duper thick hair so I didn't end up needing to curl the bottom half. Instead, I wrapped the section of hair I was not curling into a low chignon. Which then turned out to be my base for the updo.
You'll want to take various size sections of the remaining hair on the top and curl them. You want it to not seem too perfect because the different curl sizes will look more natural.

Once you've completely showered the top half of hair with some texturizing hairspray, start to tease. Gather the hair from the crown and begin to create a loose braid. As you can see, I chose to plait it with a fishtail braid but you can braid whatever you're most comfortable with. Tuck the ends of the braid into the low bun and start to twist the loose strands into place. You can tug and loosen however much you like. 

We almost looked like Harriet, Emma's best friend, instead of Emma for a little while. But thank goodness for bobbie pins, right?

♡ Anna


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